"I hear, I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand" ~ Confucius

2019-, HKU (Professor): “no doubt that this knowledge will ... prepare me to embrace the opportunities and challenges that Ph.D and academic life will offer”; “inspiring lecture… helpful in understanding the role of the arbitral tribunal”; “clear, excellent and insightful classes”; “kind and engaging”; “timely feedback”; “useful advice”; “informative and diverse”
2013-18, HKU (Associate Professor): “exemplary teaching competencies”; “informative… feedback”; “the class was interactive, intellectually stimulating as well as very well structured”; “brilliant teaching”; “very skilled in giving feedback”; “managed class enthusiastically” “espoused a growth-oriented and optimistic mindset… a powerful precursor to effective learning.”
2009-13, HKU (Assistant Professor): “Clear and precise presentation, good materials”; “Highly interactive, Interesting activities; promoted open creative thinking”; “Encouraging”; “Approachable, eager to help”; “patient”; “research [has] benefited from....teaching and sharing”
2006, Stanford (Lecturer): “Practical and well organized”; “enthusiastic; group activities supported course objectives quite well.”
2004, Berkeley (GSI): “Instructor is insightful and organized. Socratic questioning, respectful commentary”; “one of the best GSI’s I have yet had. A great class overall.”
Teaching Awards
2018 University Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Hong Kong
2018 Women in Education Leadership Award, World Education Congress
2014 Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award, Faculty of Law, HKU
Courses: Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
GRSC 6029: Research Ethics for Graduate Students in Law, Economics, Social Sciences
LLAW 6196: Preventative Law: Approaches to Conflict Prevention and Resolution
LLAW 6138: Arbitration Law
GRSC 6029: Research Ethics for Research Postgraduates
LLAW 6022: Advanced Research Methodology
LLAW 6163: Negotiation: Settlement and Advocacy
LLAW 6161: Mediation
LLAW 6158: Contract Law
LLAW 3159: Negotiation Theory and Practice
LLAW 2016: Legal Research & Writing V
LLAW 6014: JD Dissertation
Other Institutions:
2013-18, HKU (Associate Professor): “exemplary teaching competencies”; “informative… feedback”; “the class was interactive, intellectually stimulating as well as very well structured”; “brilliant teaching”; “very skilled in giving feedback”; “managed class enthusiastically” “espoused a growth-oriented and optimistic mindset… a powerful precursor to effective learning.”
2009-13, HKU (Assistant Professor): “Clear and precise presentation, good materials”; “Highly interactive, Interesting activities; promoted open creative thinking”; “Encouraging”; “Approachable, eager to help”; “patient”; “research [has] benefited from....teaching and sharing”
2006, Stanford (Lecturer): “Practical and well organized”; “enthusiastic; group activities supported course objectives quite well.”
2004, Berkeley (GSI): “Instructor is insightful and organized. Socratic questioning, respectful commentary”; “one of the best GSI’s I have yet had. A great class overall.”
Teaching Awards
2018 University Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Hong Kong
2018 Women in Education Leadership Award, World Education Congress
2014 Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award, Faculty of Law, HKU
Courses: Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
GRSC 6029: Research Ethics for Graduate Students in Law, Economics, Social Sciences
LLAW 6196: Preventative Law: Approaches to Conflict Prevention and Resolution
LLAW 6138: Arbitration Law
GRSC 6029: Research Ethics for Research Postgraduates
LLAW 6022: Advanced Research Methodology
LLAW 6163: Negotiation: Settlement and Advocacy
LLAW 6161: Mediation
LLAW 6158: Contract Law
LLAW 3159: Negotiation Theory and Practice
LLAW 2016: Legal Research & Writing V
LLAW 6014: JD Dissertation
Other Institutions:
- Pepperdine Caruso School of Law, Mediation, Adjunct Professor
- UCLA School of Law, Lawyer as Peacemaker, Lecturer
- NYU School of Law, Law and Development Colloquium, Guest Lecturer
- National University of Singapore, Singapore International Arbitration Academy, Arbitration Law, Singapore
- Peiking University (STL), Pearl River Delta Academy, Investor State Dispute Resolution, Macau SAR
- Duke University/University of Hong Kong Institute in Transnational Law, International Arbitration Law, Hong Kong SAR
- Santa Clara Summer Program, Public International Law of Investor-State Arbitration, University of Hong Kong, HK
- HKU School for Professional & Continuing Education, HK Company Law & Anti-Bribery Ordinance (Putonghua), Hong Kong SAR
- Stanford Program for Gifted Youth, Cross Cultural Dispute Resolution in a Global Environment, Beijing, PRC
- UN Office of Human Resource Management/QED Consulting, Collaborative Negotiation; Mediation, NY, NY
- UC Berkeley, Education for Social Change (Instructor); Law and Society in China (GSI), Berkeley, CA
- German Legal Institute, Corporations, Nanjing, PR China